RINO (Timmie x Lonley) - Egil Ellis breeding:

Rino arriving at Arlanda, just throwing himself in the food/water bowl immediately - that's a good sign ;-) Huge thanks to Egil Ellis for this opportunity, we were extremely pleased with our litter from Mike and I'm positive that the litters after Rino will be just as succesful!

Enjoy his pedigree filled with famous sleddogs (German Pointer, English Pointer):

Timmie Thomas Charlie Pluto
Lille Whitey
Two Stars Rusty
Anja Snowmasters Äjje Bergvold Tiko III
Ida Arrak
Nupans Tinka
Lonley Mike Hop Sailor
Hallon Snowmasters Äjje
Lakris Labben Stælken
Vesla Pluto

For info; kennel@hunting-pride.com or hege@funracing.no

Rinos own page on Stamtavla

Rino at the Egil Ellis residence June 2011 ;-)

Rino in Norway 2012, the first evening.

Rino on Egil's winning team, 2008 ONAC victory:

Rino's girls:

Idun (6 puppies 02.05.13) (left) and Kira (9 puppies 29.05.13) (right)

Etta (9 puppies):

Vixen (8 puppies 17.08.13):



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