Hunting Prides Bwindi Bora X Juliagårdens Portia
Puppies born 05.04.09!!
10 puppies born, 8 males and 2 female pups. 6 delivered naturally and the remaining four delivered by cs. Three stillborn males and one stillborn female. All pups ridged, two boys with extra crowns, the bitch has some excess white but no ds detected and no kinks.
Tia is a substanceful bitch with a truly sweet and lovely character, balanced guarding, great hunting and tracking abilities and a very sociable girl. She is not afraid of gunshots or fireworks. Devil (his name has no relation to his character whatsoever...) also possesses many af these qualities and traits, although he hardly can be described as a guarding soul ;-) He is foremost a very friendly dog towards both people and dogs and very uncomplicated to be around. Both dogs are family dogs, they are great with small children and other animals.
Tia has been shown a few times with good critiques and a BOB win with BIG2 placement from an unofficial show. Devil has several great placements and class wins from breed specialist judges. He had a jump start to his show career by winning BOS at the swedish speciality show against littersister Bintiye who was BISS puppy at barely six months of age!
The pups from this combination should be easy going, trainable, very laidback and with that extra friendliness and peopletrusting nature that can be found in progeny from Masithelas Einherjer Fåvne. We expect lovely heads with great expression, good proportions to body with nicely balanced angulations, good topline and bones. As I know both Tias parents I can say with 100% certainty that these pups will have wonderful characters and since Tias mother has two previous litters with Devils father I know what the combo can bring and that will be truly stable and sound dogs!
Devil comes from a litter totally free of HD and AA, scored with best results possible. There are no health problems and the whole litter had correct ridges, no DS and no colour faults.
Tia and her family lives near Växjö in Småland, Sweden
Contact info to Tias owner:
Britt-Marie Mattsson
360 70 Åseda
or Devils owner: