This is the house, the dogyard and the non-existing garden in 2004...
The dogs actually lived IN the "garden"... I had no garden ;-(
We've removed the fencing and starting to remove the tiles from the puppypen.
This is how it looks when the dogyard is gone, it has been moved down to the other side of the house:
I wish I had a photo from before we filled out this area...
Here we have dug out all the gravel and other remains from the dogs, and made a lawn instead. And while I was at the hospital trying to give birth to Sunniva, my dad built us a terrace!
Not finished yet, this must be one of the last pics of Tamio.
Here it is!!
And I started my never ending project of making a slate tiled barbecue area...
Here we are in 2009, May or so.
I even grow vegetables!!
This is how the entrance looked like in May 2009, but in June it looked like this (also my fathers work, while I was at the hospital..):
And in July 2010, while the flooring is still a mess, the fireplace is coming along great, thanks to Bjørn ;-)
I'm looking forward to our first barbeque here!!
And in August:
I'm SO pleased, it's absolutely great to sit there, sun almost all day, little wind and very private!
Spring of 2011; we have put up some bamboo shades, for sun shading and wind blocking. The slate tiles will be laid this year ;-)
New outdoor furniture! Swedish pine, no wood from any rainforest in this household..
And Bjørns prize for winning the Alpen Trail has actually got a place on the mantelpiece - just not inside the house ;-)
In June 2011 I finally laid all the slate tiles, they are there, but covered in gravel for a while in order to get really stuck ;-) And the herbs are coming along great, together with some potatoes and hopefully in a few years we will also have fruit from our plum tree!