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Planned ridgeback litter spring 2016:
We are thrilled to announce that HP Insinya Ijaba is in whelp with Exgate's Unique Utah by Nelvis, puppies will be born first half of March with delivery first week of May ;-D
Ijaba is from the magnificent Insinya litter, my best litter mentality wise (so far ;-)). Happy, outgoing without loosing the Ridgeback integrity, totally unafraid and very curious of all things. Great with children, tolerant, loving and sweet. Very playful, she can be rewarded with toys, and will play for longer time than any of my previous dogs. She says yes to everything - deer hunting, agility, child minding - Ijaba takes it all in her stride!
The sire for this litter was picked for his equally top mentality, having done one of the best mentality tests I've seen, in addition to a bear test and his lineage includes dogs famous for throwing impeccable mentality. Utah is a very friendly dog, not overwhelmingly , but open and accessible towards people who greet him. He is an excellent tracking dog, and has done very well at conformation shows.
As Utah is on the larger side, Ijaba fits him well with her neat size. They match well in other conformational traits also, so we expect puppies with nice outline, balanced angulations and great fronts! Utah has the best stride I've seen, he has "shwung" as a dressage horse and lots of elasticity and bounce in his free trot.
Utah has one previous litter, and his offspring are steady, sweet and easy going, with no known health problems. Utah's brother Simba has numerous litters, they also are healthy and nice dogs.
We expect to get happy, sociable and playful dogs from this combination, with great nerves, no fears, plenty of courage and curiousity. We are so excited to get the opportunity to include this male in our breeding!
Our one of a kind, incredibly steady, cool and fearless Ijaba got her first litter while Bjørn was away racing, leaving me with two kids, the leftover huskies, lots of ridgebacks, some who were leaving for their new homes, two horses, lots of new snow, and then Ijaba in labour a lot of days sooner than expected.. So Ijaba had her puppies in between the older puppies leaving, kids playing, kids puking, snow falling, moving cars around and waiting for race results. HUGE thanks to Linda who came to my rescue, and to lovely Ijaba, who didn't mind either disturbance and delivered 6 perfect, strong and healthy puppies (of which one stilborn male) in the midst of the chaos! Only one female (I think someone has put a spell on me..), but a super even litter with no flaws and very feisty puppies!
6 puppies born March 3rd, 5 males and 1 female. One stillborn male, no faults.
Photos: Ind two days old
Dam: Hunting Prides Insinya Ijaba
HD -A ED - A Full dentition, complete scissor bite MH, gunshot proof |
Sire: Exgate's Unique Utah by Nelvis
HD - A ED - A Full dentition, complete scissor bite MT, gunshot proof Bear tested with good results |
Phone: +47 97 12 35 35 or mail: kennel@hunting-pride.com
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Ijaba pregnant:
Phone: +47 97 12 35 35 or mail: kennel@hunting-pride.com
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