Autumn training of the sleddogs (and the wannabees)
We brought almost every fourlegged creature
we had (okey - not the horse or the cats or the puppies or their mum -
but all adult non-lactating dogs) for a short trainingtrip today and for
once I also brought the camera!!
Here they are before start - it's quite a noisy gang and no wonder people think they're angry or fighting with each other when they are this excited! But the truth is that it's all about getting started, no aggression whatsoever and absolutely no pain (other than for human ears that is...)
Even the wannabe wants to get going, he is just as crazy as his aunt Aisha was when she got to come along so this is in the genes (I blame it on you Akeron!). Gelo is a bit more moderate though, where Aisha used all her stamina on the first 200 meters, Gelo can go all the way (app 2 km today). But crazy as can be, and the largest sleddog Bjørn has seen to date ;o)
The whole team - 12 of them (Tamio and Toby the braque is with me, they just ran beside the cart today)
Toby the braque (wirehaired version, some resemblance with the toiletbrush if viewed straight from the front...)
Nice asses!
Refuelling break - fuel is fresh water ;o)
The powerguys, Gelo and Tyson
Ballantine and Twist
Angel and Dawn
Blondie and Baileys
Willow and Bell
Our amazing front and crazygirls - Buffy and Com
And the toiletbrush again!